
The Complexity & Networks COmmunity & REsources (CORE) is a great organization…

CORE Organizations

Complexity Cat

Complexity Cat is a weekly journalistic blog, an independent and non-profit media that seeks to communicate everything related to complexity science. Currently there are four other people (Ilich Silva, Daria Gomez, Carlos Tapia and Mario Kirwant) helping the main creator to review his writings and to develop infographics to share in social media. If possible, the final form of Complexity Cat will be an independent, self-managed, peer-reviewed, open-access, free-publication journal, in which reviewers are paid for their valuable work.


We organise the following activities:

  • Biweekly online seminars of one hour for early-career researchers in Complex and Network Science. In the first half of the seminar, the invited speaker (usually an early-career researcher) talks about his research (including questions). In the second half of the seminar, the speaker introduces a topic of discussion, related to a problem or difficulty in academic life and other struggles in our research field (i.e. not talking about any research though)
  • Seminars are registered and published on Youtube
  • We write a blog where we summarize the discussion of the seminar, published on our website and on Twitter/X (also have a bluesky and mastodon account)
  • Panel discussions during conferences and help running social activities in conferences (already done at NetSci2023, NetSciX2024, and NetSci2024).
  • 1-day workshop in London in late 2024 to tackle specific problems in our field (not research specific)


Women in Network Science (WiNS) Society’s mission is to foster opportunities for education, employment, and career advancement of women, trans and non-binary genders in network science. The Society is dedicated to recognizing and promoting the work, perspectives, and expertise of network scientists who identify as underrepresented genders in the field. The Society intends to increase the visibility of these individuals in academia, government, and private industry, and improve gender representation in network science broadly.


The Winter Workshop on Complex Systems is a one-week workshop where young researchers worldwide come together to work on interdisciplinary projects around complex systems. The primary focus of the workshop is for participants to engage into novel research projects.


We are a community of passionate early stage researchers in complex systems science. We aim to bring together young scientists who share common research interests in this very broad area. Why? Because we believe that a strong community stimulates the exchanges of ideas and potential collaborations. So we try to create opportunities for interaction in a less formal way than in typical conferences, but still formal enough to retain the seriousness and productivity of high-level scientific collaborations. We promote and organize a number of initiatives, check them out on our website!


Gabriele Di Bona

Gabriele Di Bona

Gabriele is the organizer with NetPlace. He does X,Y,Z, blah blah blah.

John Doe

John Doe

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